MatchPress for
Paid Memberships Pro
Custom plans to help you add MatchPress for PMPro add-on on your
next project and let you save money.
Heads up!
MatchPress is required for this add-on to work. If you haven’t already, please make sure to get MatchPress as well!
With the MatchPress for Paid Memberships Pro add-on, you’ll be able to restrict access to members’ profiles if visitors haven’t yet paid for premium access.
In addition, you can limit the number of likes sent per day based on the user’s membership plan, as well as Super-Likes and private messages.
To go further, we suggest you to install Member Swipe for BuddyPress plugin. It provides you with either a deck of card or a carousel to display your members list. It’s the sister plugin to MatchPress, it’s free and fully compatible.
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